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- Sputtering Thin Film Coating in Photovoltaic Applications Sputter deposition is an important thin film coating technology in the field of photovoltaics. It allows for precise optimization of material properties...Continue read>>
Boron Nitride application in metallurgy 12/11/2023Hot Pressed Boron Nitride - application in metallurgy Boron nitride ceramics are renowned advanced materials with unique properties. Specifically, they exhibit high thermal stability, resistance to thermal shock,...Continue read>>
Challenges for thin film coating 12/07/2023Challenges for Thin Film Coating in the Development of Semiconductors From both technological and economic perspectives, semiconductors play an enormous role in today's society. Nearly all electronic products,...Continue read>>
- ITO : From Sputter Targets to Smart Devices Introduction of ITO Indium tin oxide (ITO) proves extensively useful in electronics due to its unique optical and electrical properties. ITO combines the...Continue read>>
Crystal grow of InP with VGF method 11/25/2023Crystal grow ofIndium Phosphide with VGF method Introduction The research article "Vertical Gradient Freeze Growth of Large Diameter, Low Defect Density Indium Phosphide" by E.M. Monberg explores growing big...Continue read>>
- Brief introduction of lanthanum hexaboride Introduction Lanthanum Hexaboride, commonly referred to as LaB6, an extraordinary inorganic compound celebrated for its exceptional electron emissive...Continue read>>
- Explore lattice constants of boron carbides with PBN crucible Introduction Boron carbide (B4C) is a fascinating compound known for its exceptional hardness, high melting point, and intriguing structural...Continue read>>
- Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD): Principle and Device Structure Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) is a crucial technique often utilized in the fabrication of semiconductor devices. The...Continue read>>
- Titanium Nitride: An important material for PVD coating Introduction In the world of advanced materials and surface engineering, titanium nitride (TiN) has emerged as a game-changing compound. Its...Continue read>>
- Introduction to thin film coating of Erbium and its compounds Erbium is a rare earth metal that has unique physical and chemical properties. It was first discovered in 1843 by Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander,...Continue read>>
- Review of a research of PBN Crucible in a Multi-Zone Vertical Bridgman Furnace Introduction The growth of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) crystals is investigated in the study paper "Crystal Growth of CdTe in a...Continue read>>
Tantalum, super metal and great applications 10/20/2023Tantalum, super metal and great applications Tantalum, a shiny bluish-silver metal situated as the 73rd element on the periodic table, demonstrates remarkable properties when processed through powder metallurgy....Continue read>>
- Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN): Superhard Material Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) is an exceptional material that has earned its place as the second-hardest substance after diamond. Nitrogen and boron element have very similar...Continue read>>
- An In-Depth Look at LaCrO3 and its Role as a Sputtering Target Lanthanum Chromite (LaCrO3) is a mixed oxide compound that belongs to the class of perovskite materials. These materials are of great interest in various...Continue read>>
[Introduction to Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)] 09/12/2023Introduction to Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) Calcium Fluoride (CaF2), commonly known as Fluorspar or Fluorite, is a naturally occurring mineral found in many areas around the world. It is a crystalline compound that possesses...Continue read>>
- Hall Effect Thrusters: Boron Nitride's Potential in Plasma Chambers Hall Effect Thrusters (HETs) are advanced ion propulsion systems that are gaining popularity in various spacecraft applications. This article...Continue read>>
[Introduction to Lead Titanate] 09/05/2023Introduction to Lead Titanate Introduction Lead Titanate is a significant inorganic compound renowned for its exceptional piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties. As a mixed oxide, it has found extensive...Continue read>>
- Barium Titanate and it's application in PVD technology Introduction to Barium Titanate Barium Titanate (BaTiO3) is an interesting mixedoxide compound that has found a wide range of applications in the modern...Continue read>>
[Production of Gadolinium] 08/20/2023Production of Gadolinium Gadolinium, an intriguing rare earth element, has captured the attention of scientists and engineers due to its exceptional magnetic, electrical, and optical properties. Widely used in various...Continue read>>
- Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and its Applications Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is a white inorganic compound that boasts a myriad of applications across numerous industries. It's one of the top fifty chemicals produced worldwide,...Continue read>>
Piezoelectric Ferroelectric Material: PbTiO3 08/07/2023Piezoelectric Ferroelectric Material: PbTiO3 In the realm of advanced materials, perovskite oxides have gained significant attention due to their diverse and remarkable properties. Among them,Lead...Continue read>>
TPBN The high purity boron nitride ceramic 08/03/2023TPBN, QSAM's high purity boron nitride ceramic TPBN is a trademarked boron nitride material developed by QSAM. With 99.9% grade purity level, it is one of the most pure hot pressed boron nitride ceramic in the...Continue read>>
[Introduction of Rhenium] 07/27/2023Introduction of Rhenium Rhenium is a rare and valuable element that boasts a range of unique properties. It is a transition metal that is placed in group 7 of the periodic table and is...Continue read>>
- hBN Crucible Enables High-Quality AlN Single Crystal Growth Aluminum Nitride (AlN) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor material with excellent thermal conductivity, high breakdown voltage, and good...Continue read>>
- Influence of the crucible shape on growth of GaAs ----A Review of “Influence of the crucible shape on the formation of facets and twins in the growth of GaAs by the vertical gradient freeze technique” by J. Amon*, F....Continue read>>
- Large BN equipment boosts production effieciency QS Advanced Materials Inc (QSAM), provider of high-tech research materials, boasts substantial production facilities that can manufacture boron...Continue read>>
Introduction of MBE method 07/05/2023Introduction of MBE method Introduction The Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) method is a well-established technique for growing highly crystalline thin films of various materials. It involves the deposition...Continue read>>
Make crystals with LEC method 06/28/2023Make crystals with LEC method 6/28/2023,published by QSAM inc Introduction The LEC (Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski) method is a widely used technique in the manufacturing of high-quality single...Continue read>>
Al-Sc alloys application in semicon industry 06/21/2023Al-Sc alloys application in semicon industry Reasons to add scandium Aluminum scandium alloy (AlSc) has recently gained significant interest in the semiconductor industry as a material used...Continue read>>
- Boron Nitride: Great material for electric insulator Introduction Boron nitride is a unique boron and nitrogen compound with exceptional properties such as high thermal stability, chemical...Continue read>>